
標題: 【APK】Pokémon GO 0.49.1版 - Android 安卓系統 [列印本頁]

作者: nat510    時間: 2016-9-12 01:27
標題: 【APK】Pokémon GO 0.49.1版 - Android 安卓系統
本帖最後由 nat510 於 2016-12-15 00:42 編輯

- 改善Pokémon GO Plus穩定性
- 加快登入時地圖載入速度

- 實裝夥伴寶可夢:訓練家現在可以選擇一個寶可夢作為夥伴  透過夥伴寶可夢步行一定距離時可獲得糖果
- 更容易點擊到螢幕上小型的寶可夢
- 修正有時蛋孵化而不會顯示動畫的錯誤
- 修正當切換網路時可能出現停滯或停止刷新的錯誤
- 支援Pokémon GO Plus
- 錯誤文字修正
- root了或是JB了都不能玩

Pokémon GO is in the process of being updated to version 0.37.0 for Android and 1.7.0 for iOS devices. Below are some release notes and comments from our development team.

- Implemented Buddy Pokémon: Trainers will now be able to choose one of their Pokémon to be their buddy. A Trainer can earn - Candy for their Buddy Pokémon by walking a certain distance.
- Made it easier to select smaller Pokémon on the screen.
- Fixed an issue where Eggs would sometimes hatch without displaying the animation.
- Improved performance reliability when a device switches networks to no longer cause the application to hang or stop updating.
- Pokémon GO Plus support
- Minor text fixes.

We continue to focus on eliminating bots and scrapers from Pokémon GO. Rooted or jailbroken devices are not supported by Pokémon GO. Remember to download Pokémon GO from the official Google Play Store or iTunes App Store only.
The Pokémon GO team

作者: 痞子    時間: 2016-9-13 00:32

作者: shiung    時間: 2016-9-13 11:43
作者: sgh.e4t    時間: 2016-9-14 06:56
看到這帖才知道有更新,剛上play 商店更新,可以攜帶夥伴 ^^
作者: neovo11    時間: 2016-9-15 18:16
作者: menon    時間: 2016-9-26 06:15
有 root 就不要更新了,我不會為了寶可夢把手機 unroot。

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